04 January 2009

Melbourne - December 2008

Hi guys,

Long time no update.... SORRY!!!

These are some fotos I took in Melbourne in December when I was down there for a job interview. I will be returning to Melbourne in February so expect more pictures of the city then! Melbourne is supposed to be the cultural capital of Australia. I can see why, there are tons of pubs playing live music, street musicians, theaters etc. I am looking forward to exploring the city with all its alleyways and coffee shops more.

I hope you are all well and that 2009 will be a sucessful year for us all!!

Hugs and kisses


Captain Flinders - who gives a crap? Only seagulls!

Flinder's Street Station

Inside Saint Pauls Cathedral

Melbourne skyline


Trams are an important mode of transport around Melbourne



Chapel Street

Swanston Street

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